Retire Young, Retire Rich by Robert Kiyosaki
Nov 25 ~ Dec 28, 2010
또 하나의 로버트 기요사끼 책.
은퇴에 대한 생각, 지금 공사의 정년퇴직이 아닌 내 스스로의 은퇴!
경제적 독립성이 충분한 시기를 젋은 나이에, 가능한 빠른 시간내에 달성하고 경제활동에서 물러나는 시기,
물론 경제활동에서 물러난다 하더라도 Cash-flow는 지속적으로
가동되도록 만들어 놓아야 하는 것! 이것이 진정한 은퇴가 될 것이다.
돈은 생각하기 나름이며,
자신의 사고방식 안에 그 해결책이 있으며,
그 사고방식은 본인이 사용하는 언어에 달려 있다.
2007년 달동 현대홈타운 32평 아파트가 경매로 나왔을 당시,
난 3억여원의 돈이 나에게는 불가능한 금액이라고 생각했다.
시도해 보지도 않고…방법을 찾아 보지도 않고…
이 경험이 돈, 수익의 창출이란 본인의 사고방식에 존재하고,
그 해결방법 역시 본인에게 있다는 이 저자의 주장에 전적으로
공감하는 바다.
내 은퇴일자는 2020년 12월 24일!, 49살 생일날로 잡겠다.
모든 경제활동에서 물러서서 사랑하는 아내와 준우, 재우와 함께 피지섬으로 여행을 떠나는 시간!
On the way to home as for 4th quarter vacation at Nov 25, I bought it at
Dubai air port.
When I would be retired?
Is it the matter of myself own or I will be retired by somebody else?
What about my financial status when I retired?
Someone’s saying that the retiring age of my company will be extended so that it will be not much problem but I’m calling him a super stupid.
A few more years’ extension wouldn’t solve any financial problem of him at all. It should be prepared and planed by him, no matter when he will be discharged from the company.
One more very important aspect we should not look over is that not all plan or decision will be actually carried out as it planed. only 5% of people and plan would be in the action.
Then what about me at this point living in Sana’a apart from my lovely
family with a bit more overseas allowance,
should I be happy with this circumstance?
I would strongly love to retire before my 50 when I am still young enough
enjoying my health and time with my wife and sons, Junwoo & Jaewoo,
with the financially freedom at Fiji Island as it described in this book
enjoying the beautiful ocean and view.
I‘ve learned that this kind of strong desire make the person have more
motivated and initiative for the ultimate purpose, Financial freedom.
This theory could be saying that “Why” has more function than “How” why I do want to retire early enough not how I retire. The hierarchy of questioning is going this way Why, How and then What so that my “Why” has no discussion at all. It is because of my lovely family and money can make the others do something for me.
The methods of early retirement is use leverage, which means that the ability to do more and more with less and less, of OPM, OPT and expending my reality, thinking outside the box.
My retirement date is December 24, 2020
의미 깊고, 기억 할 만한 영어 표현들,
The million-dollar question;
“How can I do what I do for more people with less work and for a better
“A winning strategy must include losing”
“How can I change my reality?” => push myself beyond my reality
“What I think is real (my perception) is my reality”
->2007년 12월 현대홈타운 3단지 놓친 것!
“To see the future, seeing it through younger eyes or to study past.”
“My future is created by what I do today, not tomorrow”
“Investing is a plan, not a product or procedure” “A Plan is the bridge to
your dreams”
“Sight is what you see with your eye, Vision is what you see with your
“Words are tools for your brain and become the major party of your life”
“Word integrity is that your words and your action are one”
“I can make money when I buy, not when I sell”
Fairy tales do come true, “the Tortoise and the Hare”
“Velocity of Money”
“Step forward; take on something bigger than me”
“Money is just an Idea”
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